Naked Object Architecture

Probably you have already listened about Naked Objects. But do you know what they are?
Basically it is a architecture and a framework proposed/created by Richard Pawson, as a Phd thesis. It is based, more or less, on two concepts: OOUI (object oriented user interface) and Domain Objects.
The main idea behind them is: you develop the domain object (also know as business objects) and the framework will handle the user interface automatically. Them the users will work directly with the domain objects.
As all architectures it has pros and agains. As pro we can say that it has a fast time development, as again we can say that all business logic should be at the domain objects. In fact there is more pros and agains (these are just the first ones that you can notice).
Although many of you can say that is just for mickey mouse software, I don’t agree. Let’s face that some software are basically changes on domain objects, for example, those famous C.R.U.D. application, where usually we handle legacy data in the same way.
Why should we care about spending time developing and complete application? But remember that we must know how far this application is goint to, it could become a nightmare to maintain.

It is just a brief introduction to naked objects, I am still reading the articles and the thesis. If you want more information about that you could refer to these links (at least I am using them to learn more about it):

I think that is not necessary to tell it, but I will say it anyway: naked objects are not java or java related. It is a architecture and a framework and as it is it could be implemented in any language and it could be combined with any other architecture, like client-server, web, etc.


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