DDD – where the developers rules…..

Categories: Uncategorized

It is quite a long time since the last post, a lot of work to do put me away of the blog for a while, but I am back! Those days I read and listened to nice presentations and so on, but one of them really caught my attention: Developers Driven Development.

Probably your reaction to it will be the same as mine: what???? So let me explain what is it about, and then you can decide by yourself: the idea of the DDD is that the developer is responsible to say what is going to be developed in each iteration. So no stack holder, history owner, customer or what so ever, developers rules and period.

I still think that this idea is too much extreme, but there is people using it and having results; the key aspect of it is one of the requisite to have DDD in place: the developer should also be user of the software.

That changes a little bit the history, know we have back the customer deciding what should be done or not. It still not the end user, but it is someone that knows what he is talking about.

The difference here is: if the developer wants to do a feature over and over again he does, he is in charge of deciding what to do.

It doesn’t hurt to say once again, everything has its time and place, and DDD is not different: when the developers are real users of the software and they are experienced enough sure that DDD can bring really good results. Once that is in place the big challenge is how to keep the “managers” and bosses dealing with all decisions taken at the factory ground.

Here is a Fred Gorge’s presentation about Anarchy and DDD http://wow.infoq.com/presentations/Leaner-Programmer-Anarchy.

By the way and example of company doing DDD is Facebook, I know that it is a success case, but how many companies has the same business model?

As this kind of model is a sign of the apocalyptic to many people, I will finish here with Iron Maiden – Number of the Beast.


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