Balance so far…

Categories: Startup journal

It has been a while since the last time that I wrote something on the blog about the new work and company. Well for starters we now have an office, on February 4th we had some desks and chairs bought at Ikea and we went to the office to build those things, the photos bellow prove it 🙂

But we didn’t start using it directly as we still didn’t have any internet connection, we just started to use the office on the following Monday and proper internet connection only on the Thursday after.

Before continuing on the impressions of this first month: on the day that we build up the desks at the office we went to a restaurant to have lunch, and you believe it or not, at the desk at our side a guy just started to pass out and end up laying on the floor – it is really strange to try to have lunch while someone is at the floor with half his shirt open; long story short he end up leaving in the ambulance (already walking though) and it was quite strange that his colleagues were just sitting there eating and talking even when he as in the floor – weird.

Now back to what actually matters: the work and the impressions. Now I have a MacBook pro and still learning all the shortcuts, the machine isn’t bad but nothing out of the ordinary (although it is quite a sturdy machine). To keep myself getting to know something new I decided to jump from Eclipse to Intellij Idea and get to use that, I can say that I am getting more used to it – my biggest complain goes on the compiler and code formatter (still not as good as eclipse).

The main part of the coding is concerning a project that we call EventHandler, which is basically a data stream processing system – for connected cars. And there is my main concern on this first month, although I understand the need for it – but we are already celling the fact that we do have this system in place, and that kind of scares me, doesn’t look a good approach to deal with the clients.

I have been working with another developer in Bulgaria to bring the basis to life, but we still don’t have the most important part that is the feed from the manufacturers… without that the system is as good as nothing.

Having that said, currently I have been working a lot with Couchbase and Reactive programing, I believe I am getting the hold on it – it is a nice development style 🙂

Well, tomorrow the team will have another meeting with a new possible client, let’s see how that goes.

To finalize the impression of the first month: it is still difficult to get good developers in Bulgaria, sounds like we are going to have a little bit of trouble to enlist a lot of java developers (btw mister C. mentioned today that it could be a good idea to get a developer here – as I was saying since day 1).


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